Served VOs

VOs registered in UNG

compuchemgriduaComputational chemistry and related fields home
cslabgridBioinformatics, Biophysics and Computational Biology for Cytoskeleton Research home
eegmEnvironmental Emergency GRID Modeling home
eo-grid.ikd.kiev.uaEarth Observation Grid home
geopardПаралельні розрахунки великих дослідницьких задач геофізики home
gridik home
matmodenМатематичне моделювання задач енергетики home
medgridUkrainian Medical Grid applications home
moldyngridMolDynGrid Virtual Laboratory home sync
multiscaleComputer simulation laboratory home
sysbioReverse-engineering gene regulatory networks home
ung.infrastructureUNG site administrators home sync
virgo.uaCosmological simulations and astrophysical data analysis home

Infrastructure services allowed to publish information to EMIR home

Study and testing VOs

UATestUNG regular site-functional tests home external
academiaNational University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
bitpeduEducational grid infrastructure (BITP) home external
kpieduEducational grid infrastructure (KPI) home external
testbed.univ.kiev.uaKNU testing and learning puproses home

Other VOs

crimeaecoCrimean ecology VO home Energy Physics
itcInformation Technology in Construction home
medgrid.immsp.kiev.uaTelemedical Grid, Ukrainian Medical Grid applications home external
msamВирішення проблем розробки та впровадження новітніх перспективних матеріалів home
networkdynamicsMathematical modeling of nonlinear processes home sync
telemedGrid technologies in telemedicine
ung.seedSeed VO for independent researches in UNG